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About Us


Whitbys has been in Chichester for over 40 years. Since 2017 it has been a family business owned by Mark and Diane, with their children Kate and Patrick joining in the following years. 


Our mantra is “Never too busy to help” and we stand by that. From a simple print to complex collages and restorations, we’re always here to help you every step of the way.


We are all extremely passionate about photography in our own ways. We love sharing that passion and seeing our brilliant customers bring their photos to life with us.

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Mark took the business over in 2017, and has been with Whitbys since 1989. He's seen a lot of changes over the years, and is always looking out for new ways to enjoy your photos. When he's not running the place, you can find him on the golf course, cursing the weather!

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Diane joined the business in 2017.  She brought her incredible customer service skills, honed over years in the library service, and is eager to make sure you get the perfect prints. In fact, she's almost too helpful, as her numerous cold cups of tea will attest to!

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Kate is our resident film enthusiast with a healthy collection of 35mm and medium format cameras. If you need advice with all things analogue, Kate’s your person to chat to. But be warned, she will chat your ear off about what cameras you have and what film you like to shoot!

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Patrick is our newest member of the team and loves to get stuck into scans and restoration jobs. He’s a keen photographer of one subject, his wonderful daughter Violet. In his spare time, he gets far too competitive playing video and board games!

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